Personal Narrative: Life After Surgery

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It’s never fun to go through surgery, no matter what it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s for your own health, for someone else’s wellbeing, or for emergency scale circumstances. Finding out that a surgery is necessary for life to go on is a bit of a shock. First comes the knowledge that surgery is necessary, than information on what will happen during surgery. Most people wonder what’s the worst possible thing that could happen during a procedure of such importance. Some will ask what’s the survival ratio or other consciences to a surgery. Others think of ways to avoid surgery all together. Even knowing that there’s a possibility things can go wrong shakes most people with fear. When I learned that there were three tonsils that needed to be removed, I immediately felt a tremor go through my body. My first response was why they needed to be removed; partially I wanted to know due to my curiosity, but also to know if surgery was …show more content…

My family waiting at the lobby comforted me when I woke up from the anesthesia. Due to fragileness to my throat, I wasn’t allowed to eat solid foods for two weeks. I eventually stared to wright everything I wanted eat after my throat was fully recovered. That piece of notebook paper helped me go through the days of liquid food because it gave me hope for a better time after my complication. It should also be noted that there was four weeks of no physical activities, which interrupted with marching band camp. Not only was exercising not recommended, but playing the trumpet also could have been hazardous to my throat. After knowing what it felt like to be week from not practicing physical activities, I had a greater understanding of the importance of exercise. I constantly thought of how much I had taken for granted the food I eat; how hard it was to eat only the bare limit due to the pain of

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