Personal Narrative: Judging Others

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“You want to remember that while you're judging the book, the book is also judging you.” ― Stephen King Every one of us judges the people around us; whether we’re conscious of it or not. The fact is, how others define you is how you end up defining yourself. Most people see me as someone who’s strong, and doesn’t have any problems. A friend even once told me that I’m as close to perfect as it get. Like most females, I have trouble accepting the compliment and know how far from perfect my life is. Of course, like anyone, I judge others, but I try not to. Some of the judgments people do unto me are highly misinterpreted. Who I am is vastly different than what others think. Modesty “He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult …show more content…

My friends always discuss how “nice” I am, and never have anything bad to say about others. While I typically do not voice negative comments, I do not voice them because these opinions are things that I wouldn’t want to hear myself. They are just my opinion too, after all. Sometimes it’s hard to be modest about what I really feel, especially when it’s about a topic that I feel strongly about, such as religion. That may be, perhaps, why people don’t always listen to what I have to say in discussions –because I don’t drag on the negative …show more content…

Unfortunately, most of us try extremely hard to be considered even close to perfect. I know that I’m not perfect, and far from it at that. In a society where we strive to be perfect, I’d prefer the truth over any lie stating that I’m perfect or close to it. Truth is vital to our lives, and to me is far more important than being perfect. Like most people, it annoys me when people lie to me, but society has presented it as “okay” to lie if it keeps us from hurting others. When is it too much though? It’s more vital to accept who we are and what we are like as other people see us than for us to just nod along to false

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