Personal Narrative: Improving My Health

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In an attempt to improve my health, I decided that for 30 days I would hydrate myself properly and exercise cardiovascularly 3 times a week. Every morning when I woke up, it was my goal to drink a large glass of water (estimated 18 oz) before doing anything else. It was also my goal to drink a large glass of water before every meal. I imagine that many people do not consider poor hydration a serious issue, but being properly hydrated is conducive for more regular body function. A few things that poorly hydrated people suffer, in the short term, are headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. As for exercising cardiovascularly, that is a simple response to the fact that I have high blood pressure. Anything to get my heart pumping is advised, and cardiovascular …show more content…

I was drinking 72 or so ounces, while my average consumption prior to this was near 32 ounces a day. Despite having a water source readily at hand, many people are spoiled with the flavors that other drinks offer, and typically disdain drinking plain water. I am no exception; sometimes forcing myself to drink water according to the schedule I set was torturous. I failed to go running even once during November(my first and only time was in late October). Instead, while fully aware that it would not help with my high blood pressure, I used the moral this assignment gave me to put myself through sets of sit-ups, which I completed nearly everyday. Overall, I found the experience more vexxing than anything else. I could not detect any change in my daily functioning, so hydrating seemed only to annoy me. The shade of my urine did not change much, either, which I think is odd, considering I more than doubled my water …show more content…

I am still trying to drink more water than I did prior to my behavioral change. I am less strict about the quantity, but I am definitely more conscious of the idea of drinking water before and during meals. As for running, I believe it would help me solve my problem of high blood pressure, but at the same time, I feel as though a few minor changes here and there will accomplish the same. Even if that is not true, it is what I have managed to convince myself of. This mindset leads me to believe that I will not exercise regularly anytime

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