Personal Narrative: How Religion Changed My Life

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Religion is something no one can ever take away from me; it informs the way I walk, talk, and even eat. Without such a structured lifestyle, the satisfaction I have with my life would cease to exist. Although my life is nowhere near perfect, I am much more grateful now that I recognize all that God has given me.
I got baptized on December 28, 2013 into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. That day molded me into who I am now, by washing away the baggage of my past. Before this, I told myself that I was a Christian. Despite my lousy church attendance and selfish prayers, nobody could tell me that I was not. “A Christian is only a person that believes in God”, I told myself. “The other stuff does not matter”. Little did I know how wrong I was. …show more content…

To me, this was anomalistic, but it did not turn out as bad as I thought it would. Everyone greeted me with a cheesy smile and a “Happy Sabbath!”. I, of course, mirrored their enthusiasm. By the end of that day, I could not get enough of the atmosphere, the people, and my -now dusted off - faith. I began attending Sabbath School and participating in the many church activities offered. I felt like a member of the church, but the feeling was not enough. I wanted to be an official member. I began doing bible studies with my pastor, Bill Brace, to prepare for my big day. Finally, it came. On that frigid December day, I was submerged into a warm water to declare my eternal faith in God. A baptism that would seal my …show more content…

Although I have been a Seventh Day Adventist for almost four years now, I still find that there is more to learn about myself as both a person and a believer of Christ. My religion has shown and taught me to be more considerate of others and to avoid being prejudiced. Even though these are values I could learn as a non-believer, I am inspired to treat others the way Jesus Christ did: with personal love, deep respect, and a kind heart no matter what. Despite the occasional difficulty of this, I move forward, not forgetting to ask for

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