Personal Narrative: How My Mom Changed My Life

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Screaming, crying, hyperventilating. These are only some of the emotions that come over me when I talk to my mother. I always seem to mess up, or not live up to her insane expectations. Growing up I was a good student. I had superb grades and was a proficient learner. Throughout elementary school, my mom was always proud. She would praise me, and make me feel good. This inspired me to go for my dream of getting a doctorate in physical therapy, and eventually open up my own practice. Middle school, I struggled. I went through many personal devastations, including losing my grandma and dog passing away, all of which caused me to slip into a dark place of depression and sadness. On top of all this, every time my mom would ask me about school, grades, or even just normal everyday things families talk about, she would get angry with me and make me feel like I was not important enough to her. My grades started to drop, I stopped trying, and I was unmotivated, putting me in this spot of insecurity and doubt about myself. …show more content…

The middle school I attended was not great at preparing students for the world let alone high school, instead, they focused more on how to deal with people that had disabilities, or learning problems more than their academics. I appreciate that I have this skill and am able to use it in my life, but I do wish that the academics were taken a bit more seriously. Oak Park is a rigorous school, and going from an “easy” school to Oak Park was a tough transition. My freshman year ended, and I was not proud of myself like I wish I was. This is when she really lost it. She yelled at me, told me I would never go to college, and just downright told me I was a disappointment. This took a toll on me, and I felt like I was worthless and had no future ahead of

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