Personal Narrative: How LOTOJA Changed My Life

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Three states, 12,000 feet of climbing over three mountain passes, 206 miles, killer views, must be done before sunset, my goal was to finish in less than 10 hours! LOTOJA, is a bike race that changed my life, from thinking 'what am I doing', to overcoming obstacles, including breaking my neck.
My crazy story with LOTOJA all started a couple years before when my parents, unbeknownst to me, signed me up for LOTOJA as part of a family trip to Jackson Hole Wyoming. I was about to return from a 2 year LDS Mission where I learned to speak Mandarin Chinese while serving my church in Taiwan. Upon returning to the united states, My parents finally told me about the race they had signed me up for. They said they didn't want to worry or distract me, …show more content…

Enjoying the wind rushing around my body, I remember feeling free, watching the earth pass by so quickly. Immediately after waving to a fellow cyclist, I looked back to the road, and realized that I had taken the corner too wide going too fast! I didn’t know it at the time, but my Strava GPS tracking later said I was going 53 mph. I went off the edge of the road. After hitting a sage brush I flew then tumbled for 40+ feet. I ended up with a broken neck and jumped facet between vertebra c6 and c7. At the time I thought I had just gotten the wind knocked out of me, and maybe some sense beat into me. I thought that I would be ok, although I knew that my bike was not. I called my bride to come save me and give me a ride home. I took the day off, thinking that I just needed some time to recover and to tough it out. After a few days I finally went to the doctor. They told me that I was lucky to be alive, and began to chastise me for not coming in sooner. They told me that I should not be walking, or doing anything else for that matter ever again. After talking further, they told me that I had a chance of making a full recovery after surgery. They told me that surgery was an absolute must and recovery would take at least a year. Immediately I was put on an activity restriction, meaning no more of the physical demands of my body. I was given a 15 pound weight restriction, meaning I could not lift more than a single gallon of milk. All of the

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