Personal Narrative: How Football Changed My Life

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One person is all it takes to change your life from better or worse. I would have never guessed that my football coaches would have been the people to change my life so much. When I first joined football my freshman year of high school I was an ok kid looking to be more involved in athletics. I wanted to be a starter but I was on the B team because I was lazy and didn’t listen. I didn’t really care about it either until sophomore year came, that’s when I met coach Aubry and mainly coach Rustman. They had a whole new level of standards and I liked it because it gave me a sense of responsibility. The first thing people noticed in me that was different was my weight, I went from being 260 pounds to weighing 220. It doesn’t seem like it would change me as a person but it did. I realized that when someone work hard for something they get good things in return. I started trying harder in football and I started getting into the weightlifting part more and more as well. Our football practices started in the summer every morning at 8AM until 12AM, when school started practices were then from 3:45 to 6. …show more content…

My football friends suddenly turned into my second family. We got so comfortable around our coaches that we would be able to joke around and make practice more fun, then when it was time to get serious we all got to work. The head coach, coach Aubry, once gave us a speech during a practice that I will never forget. He said “gentleman I know you guys are exhausted but to do great things in life you have to overcome very tough situations. Nothing in life is given, it is earned”. The hairs on my arms stood up and I got that tingly feeling all throughout my body. I’ve went through high school living by his words because in all honesty he was

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