Personal Narrative: How Basketball Changed My Life

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I was all about basketball my whole life. I started rec. center ball when I was about five years old and never slowed down, playing school and travel basketball year round, I thought basketball would never end for me. When I reached high school I realized my hometown was football, basketball, and baseball central. This obviously was no big deal to me seeing as how basketball was the game I loved most. But as my sophomore year was rolling by I decided I wanted to pick back up with soccer which I had quit after my seventh grade season. This came as a surprise to a lot of people at school and my friends. At my high school soccer has always been a sport that everyone likes to bash on and it never really got much attention from the school or community, …show more content…

When it came time to start practicing basketball over the summer I dreaded it every single day. All I could think about when I was there was how much time I had left till I got to leave. After just a few days of practice I couldn't take it anymore and I finally got the guts to tell my mom I wanted to quit. This didn't go over well for me at all. All I had known my whole life was basketball. My parents were so disappointed in me. They had spent countless amounts of money for me to go to numerous camps and learn about the game. My mom tried everything in her power to try to stop me from making this decision. I texted my coaches and told them I needed to talk to them before the next days practice. When I met with them they told me they felt like I might be making the biggest mistake I had I ever made and that I wasn't at the level in soccer that I was at in basketball. Some of my teammates that had been some of my closest friends at one point wouldn't even look my way for months after. I think my coaches and parents reactions helped me to grow as a soccer player and have a lot to do with my will and drive to continue soccer at the collegiate

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