Personal Narrative: How Anorexia Changed My Life

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Many girls come to me with issues about their appearances and how they want to change. So I decided I’d like to share a story that I’ve never told anyone.

For four years, I struggled with anorexia. Every time I looked in the mirror I thought my thighs looked fat. I was always tired, unhappy, and snappy. My hair was thin and I would usually blackout in a gym bathroom. Sometimes my friends and family were hard to be around, because food was always in the social setting. I would constantly get comments about how I need to eat and how thin I am, which just fed to my disorder. My family and I weren’t as close, because I was embarrassed about a problem I didn’t want help with. Anorexia led me to hormonal imbalances and to this day I fight against #PCOS.
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I started to get fed up with comments about how flat my butt was. So I wanted a huge butt like everyone else. I knew little about exercise and nutrition. I did squats a lot and ate poorly. I always felt: sluggish, tired, insecure, and unhappy with myself.

My senior year I discovered what happiness with yourself felt like. @ang and I changed our lifestyles together. We started to incorporate healthy fats, proteins, and carbs into our diets. We had 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, along with 60 mins of exercise. I was happy, full of energy, and averaged 8hrs of sleep. I felt confident with my physical appearance for the first time.

Through this health journey I have realized physical appearance isn’t a big factor to me. Don’t change your image to look like someone else or for a guy. Cliché, but you’re beautiful in your own way and someone will love you for you. Workout for your health and to feel good. Or because you’re blessed with working limbs and you want to be strong.

Also, if someone is going through something you don’t understand...yes try to help, but in a respectful way.

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