Personal Narrative: Growing Up In A Christian Family

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Throughout my life I have been open towards many people that I am close with. I have opened up with them about minor problems occurring in my life, but they do not know my darkest secrets that still are within myself. Although with all the hurt that has happened, I am fine because believing that loving those around you with the pain you hold makes life more valuable. Growing up in a Christian family, I have learned there are seven types of love in the world. They have made my experience in life rough, but I would not have it any other way. As weird it sounds, I am very thankful that I have had to face all of these hardships in my life. Our family hit the darkest part in our life as my uncle committed suicide. Watching the EMTs rushing into my house and carrying out a body covered with a clean white sheet from the bus made me question what was going on. As a child my innocence hid what this unbelieving situation did to my family. Not being able to shed a single tear at his funeral made my life gloomy as I realized he was gone forever. I did not know that his life would make a giant impact on my life. He was not there to help support my heartbroken mother and father. My life existed to comfort them with …show more content…

I grabbed my belt and held it up to my neck as I stared at my empty closet. I felt like no one loved and cared for me, and how my life was wasted on someone who was pure trash. In my mind, the last people I wanted to talk to were the closest friends that I have and say to them that I loved them, and thanking them for everything they have done in my life. My phone was playing a song called Pursue by Hillsong. Hearing those lyrics “Show me what I don’t know” and “Through the fire I’ll persevere” made my eyes flow with water and my mind went crazy as I did not know what to do. As days went by I promised to myself to love everyone around me so this kind of situation would never happen to

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