Personal Narrative: First Person Point Of View From Walter

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Part I: First Person Point of View from Walter I decided to invite that man Linder over to say that after all we won’t be taking the house my mama bought for our family in Clybourne Park. If I’m being honest I think that my family is mad, well upset at me for my decisions lately, but I don’t care because I’m doing what’s best for my family. We heard a knock at the door, and I figured it must be him, and it was so of course we let the man in. He sat down and we were having a serious talk while mama and Beneatha were putting their opinions in the conversation. We were talking about how the best thing might be not to move in after all his reaction kind of set me over the edge because he looked to happy, while on the other hand my families were not. That was when I made the final decision which was to move into the house my mama bought, so I told him that we were taking the house, and that was it. My family was very happy, and so I told them let’s start packing, and the tension started to fade away. Part II: Third person …show more content…

He knows that we all are mad at him, but I’m not that mad I just think he doesn’t always uses his head. She bought this house for our family, and so that we all could have a better life, and I know by him doing this is making her devastated. He thinks he’s doing what’s best for the family, but he’s just doing what best for him. There was a knock on the door, so they answered and of course it was him, he came in and sat down then they started having a serious conversation. While she was saying how this wasn’t the best, and everything. When they finally got to the point about giving up the house Linder gave this awful look of happiness, and that’s when he looked at us and got mad. All of a sudden he changed his mind and took the house. That was when everything started to go back to normal and he looked very

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