Personal Narrative Essay On The Boat House

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It was a great morning. I knew I was going to be swimming and spending time on the lake all day, and it was going to be a great Fourth of July. During breakfast, I asked my mom if I could have someone over. She said I could and then we could all go to the fireworks. I texted my friend Ryan and asked if he wanted to come over. In about an hour we were at my house hanging out deciding what to do. Our plan was to jump off the boathouse for a bit, go to Braun Bay and then see the Meredith fireworks that night. My brother Cody then jumped in on the idea and invited Alec to hang out with us. So all of us walked down to my beach and put up the ladder to our boat house. We all scrambled up to the top and started doing flips for boats going through the channel into the cove. The past two years …show more content…

Last year, my best trick was a double front flip; this year, I wanted to try a double backflip. This thought has been on my mind for a long time. So Ryan and I were at the top of the boat house and I told him my idea of trying one. He wanted to try one too, so we made a promise to each other that if one of us tried it the other had to as well. As the day went on, we started thinking about it more and more. Then Ryan told me to videotape him so I pulled out my phone and started recording and he did it! A double backflip and landed it perfectly. Right when I realized what happened, I knew I was going to be forced into trying one too. When he popped out of the water we were both hyped and went back up and talked. He said that it was my turn to do it. I tried to talk myself out

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