Personal Narrative Essay On Social Media And Body Image

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Everyday I'm always on social media on my phone or iPad . Apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allow me to see what people are posting about their life. When I scroll through my feed, a lot of times, I see pictures of girls that are fit and skinny. I sometimes catch myself comparing myself to them in a negative way and I know I'm not the only one. A lot of times, I stay up later because I'm on my phone or iPad and lose sleep. In addition, bullying happens a lot on the Internet. A person can tweet or post rude things about someone behind the screen. Saying hurtful comments to someone can lead to someone having depression, anxiety and etc. Social Media is a large part of today's society and teenagers are the main people who use it. …show more content…

The story is about a woman named Kelsey Hibberd. In school, she was made fun of about her body and became very self conscious. She tried to fit in by eating less and dying her hair. Kelsey is now running Loud Education, a mentoring program. She goes school to school to teach teachers how to deal with body confidence issues students may have and gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual issues. A quote from this website states "But they are seeing the world through a filter, and that's not healthy." I agree that it's not healthy to see the world with a filter. A filter is meant to cover up or enhance something.People need to remember that the majority of pictures on the Internet are edited and shouldn't compare themselves to the picture. Dr. Phillippa Diedrichs explains there is a tendency to seek out negative social interactions in these forums, and to ask people to comment on how you look, which can lead to body anxieties (Roxby). Such as leaving a comment on a someone's picture about how they look can lead to body anxiety. She believes the way to deal with body anxiety is to show different body types on the Internet because there is no such thing as the "perfect" or "ideal" body

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