Personal Narrative Essay On Practicing For A Play

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The first time I decided to audition for a play was about three years ago. It was during my sophomore year of high school and I was in my French class when I heard some of my friends talking about how they were going to audition for the musical at the Sikeston Little Theatre. I soon joined into the conversation and they had convinced me to audition for it with them. At first I did not want to do it, but after a few minutes of them trying to convince me, I finally said I would audition. The audition was that same night and I did not know what to expect. When I got to the Sikeston Little Theatre around six o'clock I was nervous and worried that I would not be good enough. I walked into the building and I seen the room full of kids and parents. It was loud with kids practicing there songs and parents who have known each other for awhile laughing and talking really loud. I slowly walking through all the people up to the desk where I needed to sign in at and I seen my friend was signing in at the …show more content…

The people at the theatre will make you feel like you belong. They do not judge you by how you act or dress. They accept you for who you are. Over the years this group of amazing people have become a second family to me. They will make you laugh and sometimes they will make you cry, but that's okay because you will usually be crying happy tears around them. At the theatre there is never a dull moment around them. They are always pulling pranks on others or always be joking and having a good time. They have shown me that if you try your hardest, then you can succeed. They help you achieve your dreams and they will not stop until you think you are good enough. They have made me realize I want to be an actress. Before going to the theatre I had no idea what I wanted to do, but after being in the theatre I realized that I love

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