Personal Narrative Essay: Growing Up As A Second Mother

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Growing up i’ve always been second. Second child to come out of my mother, My father 's second son, second in society, second to my sister. That meaning, I have got everything she had, she did everything first. Although I was second to grow up, I was first in many things. I was first to eat when we had family (immediate and mother 's side) get - togethers because one of my family 's ways, were kids eat first. I was first to finish eating, first to get boy toys, first to play sports, first person everybody in my family comes to when the have electronic technical difficulties, first to win the achievements I won, and first to exceed six foot. So going back through my life and realizing although I was first to do things second and second to …show more content…

When i got to Morrisville, there were so many different people that was not like anything i have ever seen. By this time i was in first grade so i hadn 't seen much of anything honestly. When i started school i was of course the “new kid”. Being the new kid was the scariest thing to me because i have never made or never had to make new friends before because somehow everybody i knew and went to school with in Lexington was somehow my family. Well atleast the ones i talked to were. So you can only imagine how scared i was when i stepped in the classroom with the resource officer and the principle introducing me to everybody, and having all of these peoples eyes on me. Turns out i never had a problem because all the kids were nice, plus i was good in sports so that made them like me even more. While being up there became less frightening, everything became harder. I found myself in a gold Ford Expedition going back and forth from moorisville to Lexington, we moved around a lot p there so i never really had a consistent group of friends outside of school, and in school was majorly hard because of the work. I have never experienced work that hard in Lexington. I went from getting all a’s in lexington, to a parent teacher conference every other week. So you can only imagine how that went. I was in Moorisville till

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