Embracing Celibacy: A Lifestyle Choice and Freedom

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Celibate and Proud Celibacy is a life-style choice that a growing minority is embracing, either through a conscious decision process or out of convenience. In my case, it's a little of both. We've all heard the parable of the Fox and the grapes... sometimes it's just easier to embrace your situation, regardless of whether you chose it. Let's face it, those who are free and likely to have sex; the charismatic and beautiful people, are often dominated by it. Half the songs, books and movies that have ever been created, concern these poor saps. Torn by the lack of a perfect partner, a tragic breakup or the hassles of the dating scene, these folks stumble through their days seemingly ignorant of the important things in life. They are so busy chasing love, lust and simple relationships, that they wouldn't contemplate the meaning of life unless it was dressed to the nines and three sheets to the wind. But you don't need a philosophical justification, how about common sense. If you add up the amount of time, effort and money invested in the pursuit of nookie, you could double your free time by going cold turkey. Get a second job, learn a new skill, build a guesthouse, write a novel or simply pleasure yourself until you cry. Your hand is a cheap date and it never fails to put out. The benefits don't stop there. You know how much you worry about loosing weight, perfecting your hair and make-up, buying the right suit or dress... forget it! That's all window dressing and the store has nothing you should be shopping for. Eat that bowl of ice cream, lounge around in your PJs all day, skip shaving, (face or legs). None of it will matter when you are a dedicated celibate. You won't have to come up with any witty repartee, watch out for tell-tale body language, be sensitive, laugh or even listen anymore. True freedom is just around the corner.

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