Personal Narrative: Coming Back To Work

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I never thought the biggest challenge of work would be simply returning after a four-month absent, after breaking my leg and going through that trial of my life I didn’t think anything would be hard, I was so wrong about that. I worked for a supplier company of Chrysler here in Belvidere. I use to build the dashboards for Jeeps and Darts. But coming back to work after four months of being on short term disability in my honest opinion could be one of the hardest things I’ve had to endure. Not even breaking my leg compares to the challenges that I had in my first week back. Thought it was stressful and had its challenges it was very short lived. Undoubtedly, I thought not being at work and doing something was hard for me, but I thought returning …show more content…

I ended up on short term disability after breaking my leg in several places and having surgery to repair it. For most of the time off all I could think is, “Am I going to be able to handle the work?” or “Should I start looking for another job?” Coming back to work the first week started hard. Waking up early before anyone in my house was weird after months of not sitting up in bed till noon with the sun pouring around the edges of the curtains. I forgot how quite the drive was to work going through town while most people’s coffee machines were just starting to warm up to brew their drinks. I found my good old parking spot closest to the parking lot exit. Walking into the plant’s second set of doors was when I was hit with everything. The smells of bitter metal, the dry dust, and unnatural sweet smell of propane; my ears ringed with forklifts beeping around, a thud comparable to a dull thunder crack as someone dropped a palette of parts; my body ached already as I walked across the cold, cracked concert floors that covered the plant. …show more content…

“Anyone who never has made a mistake has never tired anything new.” – (Albert Einstein). Most people are afraid to make mistakes because they fear what others might say or the possible negative outcomes from messing up while trying, it’s a foolish way to live. I could be making the biggest mistake right now jumping into school full time since I haven’t taken any classes in over three years but I’ll never know for sure unless I do it. Coming back to work after months of being gone only to find out there won’t be a job much longer was scary, but now I’m even more worried about the coming months with dealing with school, but that’s good. It’s important to always remember though no matter how you felt about a place or certain time you should always be happy to have that experience with you for when you think things are tough at any particular moment and use it to help you move forward. I don’t think anyone who was lived a truly adventurous life has never been scared or willing to try something that could be past their own personal abilities. I’m glad I used the fear of “What now?” as the flame that put me into motion to take on new things. All I can do now is always take the next step forward, try everything I can and I’m sure things will work out the way they’re meant to be. Sometimes not fighting the current and letting it sweep us away is all

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