Personal Narrative-Clearwater Beach

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I bounce out of my seat and thrust the car door open as quickly as my arms let me. After two long and uneventful hours in our rented minivan, my family and I finally arrive at sunny Clearwater Beach, Florida. It is early morning, and everyone is aching to be out of this excruciatingly hot van. We round up our loads of towels and chairs, and head for the entryway to the beach. Stepping onto the white sand, I feel the intense heat and humidity in the air. The vivid heat from the golden sun rays warm my entire body. Salty perspiration is running down my red face, and I am awaiting the moment in which I will run into the cool, refreshing waters of the ocean. I can smell the zestiness of the salt in the air. Glistening waves crash against the shell-covered shoreline, creating an intricate pattern in the dark, wet sand. Colorful canopies and tents line the shore, and the beach is beginning to become cluttered. Families swarm the boardwalk. As I set my belongings down, I see wide-eyed children …show more content…

I shout to them to go faster, and after what seems like forever, we are all ready to go into the water. Breaking out in a sprint, I am the first one to reach the seaside. Diving in, I can instantly taste the salt of the ocean. I feel the coolness of the water, which sends an amazing sensation through my body. The ocean water feels like the first bite of mint gum, strong and cool. Seconds later, my siblings splash into the salty water, coming up behind me. Roaring into the shore, the rolling waves knock us over with great force. Laughing, we stand back up, only to get knocked over by another round of harsh waves. We begin to slowly wander out farther from the long, beautiful shore; however, every couple baby steps I take I get knocked down by the strong backwash current. As I continue to stay in, I become used to the strong waves and currents that the vast ocean

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