Personal Narrative: Childhood Adoption

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Bam! My door swung open so hard it smacked the wall behind me. My mom stormed in my room like a little kid on christmas. Before I could even open my mouth and ask her why. She asked, “What would you think of getting a new baby brother?” I really was confused. She had told me just last week that she wasn’t able to have babies anymore. I replied, “Wait.. so does this mean that your tummy started working again?” My mom laughed and told me that we would try to adopt a baby who needed a new home. “I thought you could only adopt dogs?", I said. We had adopted my dog, Brady, for my 7th birthday just six months earlier and I always called him my brother because I wanted one so badly. She told me that sometimes mommies put their kids up for adoption so that they can have better homes. I didn’t even know that was legal! I had so many questions. I tried asking all of them but all she would say is that we would have a family discussion tonight at dinner. …show more content…

We didn’t know much about him, she said, “He is Jamaican and his mom is just too young and doesn’t have the money to take care of him the way she wants to.” At first I was so excited and couldn't wait to have a little brother but as we talked about it more and more I realized things would be different. I remember being worried about whether or not I would be a good big brother. What would I say to him when I first saw him? Everything had happened so quickly, in a few hours I went from planning to be an only child the rest of my life to having a brand new baby brother! It was exciting but very scary all at the same

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