Personal Narrative: Boxing In My Life

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Boxing In My Life

What is boxing? Boxing is an extremely hands on sport. This sport is what helped me manage all the problems in my life. This is the sport that helped change my life for the better. When I was 14 years old I use to get picked on at school; a lot of people use to make fun of me since I was short and chubby. Due to the bullying I would misbehave both in school and at home. This point in my life was extremely difficult for me, in addition to that the lifestyle I was taking up was not the best one. I was hanging around with people that influenced me in a bad way. In other words this people influenced me to drink and smoke as a result I was always in trouble at school and with the law. Which led to me having problems at home as well. Always arguing with both my parents and my sisters. But thanks to boxing that all changed. …show more content…

After multiple school suspensions and me being sent to juvenile hall, my mother got tired of my conduct and decided that boxing was the sport I needed to help me mature and improve my behavior. I didn't know it then but that day my life would change for the better. I began boxing at Richard Lord's Boxing gym. This gym was an actual gym where you got hands on and learned boxing, not the place where you saw videos to learn. I still remember the stench of sweat burning in my nose as I walked in for the first time. Hearing the sounds of boxing gloves smashing into the punching bags. This was my kind of learning. I had mixed feelings about it at first since I had never boxed anyone in my life. But at the same time I was ready to make a change in my

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