Personal Narrative Analysis

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As the dentist and his assistant worked diligently to complete the cavitation surgery, I felt a very odd sensation in my neck; it was very subtle. The dense feeling and discomfort I had felt for many years was completely gone. It dawned on me that the lymph in my neck had released! The lumpiness and accompanying achiness were gone! My husband was right; my lymph had been doing its job all along — to protect the body from what was in the wisdom tooth socket. Now with the cavitations cleaned out there was no need for my lymph to respond in that manner. The exhaustion that had become my body’s normal since my twenties began to melt away. It was as if a weight had been lifted from me. My whole body sighed with relief. I felt like a different person. …show more content…

The severe exhaustion I lived with was gone but initially I tired easily. I continued with my therapeutic regimen to assist my body in its healing process. I stayed in bed for the next three days and took care of myself. For the first time in my life I began to make myself a priority and put me first. I listened carefully to what my body told me, I continued to follow my intuition and instincts as best I could. I was now able to identify my needs and communicate them to others in more authentic ways that felt satisfying. It was easier to set boundaries with people and say no. I felt in charge of my life and it was really fun. My first surgery left me empowered. As weeks progressed, focusing became easier. In my new state of awareness, I began to look around me and feel a deeper connection with my home and the beauty of Sedona in a way I never experienced before. I had clarity and insight and energy to do the small things in life like fold the laundry, organize a closet and be fully present in conversations with friends and family. Life became richer, more beautiful and gratifying. I started to appreciate the people in my life much more. Most importantly, I appreciated myself and was in awe of the healing capabilities of my body. I felt grounded, happy and

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