Personal Narrative-American Airlines

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The microphone boomed as passengers calmly took their seats. "Welcome to American Airlines! We hope you enjoy the ride." The planes interior was pearl white, with rows of jet black seats that seemed to go on forever, and were so cushioned that you sunk into them. The smell of the interior comforting, yet off putting. The almost blinding lights shown from the ceiling lit the interior. The scene was calm. Suddenly, a boy came rushing in, pushing past a pleasantly plump passenger, in a rush to take his seat. He looked about around 10 or 11. He quickly sat down, with a wild look in his deep blue eyes, which were partially covered by his long jet black hair. He had light colored skin, but his cheeks were bright red, and he breathed heavily, …show more content…

Anonymous whispers began to echo throughout the plane. His anger began to dissolve, and he took his seat next to his son. The plane began to move down the runway, its engines coming to life. Slowly, it began to take of into the sky. After a long silence between the two, the father began to apologize "I'm sorry son, but you can't do that to me. You could have gotten in serious trouble," he whispered sternly. "I'm sorry Dad, I was just really excited that we would be flying in a plane. It's so cool! Flying is awesome!" He replied, while staring out the window, watching as they flew past clouds. "Have you been on a plane before Dad?" He asked, curiously. The father sighed. "I know Alex, it is cool. And yes son, I have been on a plane before. I went flying last week." He replied. "And guess what? After we get off the plane, we can tell Mom all about it," he said in a calm voice. "I can't wait!" Alex cried. He began to bounce up and down, kicking the seat in front of him. The women sitting in the seat, began to get irritated. The father turned his head towards his son. "Alex, sit still." He scolded. Alex stopped. He looked down, knowing he was in …show more content…

"Sorry Mom," he frowned, as he got down for his father arms. "Angela? Is that you?" John called out. She walked out from the house. She wore a plaid shirt, with blue jeans. Her curly blonde hair was tied up in a pony tail. She walked up to John, a gave him a hug. John got cold feet. It had been along time since he had last seen her, and wasn't quite sure how to respond to the hug. Suddenly, John exclaimed "It's been a while since I last saw you. How's Alex been for you?" "I've been good Dad! Don't worry!" "Alex, don't interrupt," she scolded. "Whoops, sorry Mom!" She pulled away from John "Anyways, how do you feel John?" She inquired, showing deep concern for him. "Fine," he paused, trying to think, "But I'm just happy to see you two have been okay," he replied. "It's great to know you skill care about us... about me," she stumbled. "Of course I do," he replied. "And I want to work things out between us, for our son." "I do too," she replied, smiling. Their son ran up to them both, excited. "Hey Mom, Dad, you guys want to play?" He asked innocently. "What do you say Angela," he asked sarcastically "Want to play?" "You bet," she replied,

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