Personal Narrative: A Short Story

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It started like any other day, I was running late. I had slept though my alarm and nearly slept through my parents calling me. I was lucky that my mom called to see if I was up. If my mother had not call me, I would have missed English class completely. I was already a half an hour late for this class. This would be the second time I was late for English class. I was rushing to brush my teeth and get clothes on. I almost trip over my pant leg as I pulled up my pants. I garb a brown sugar pop tart and I was out the door. Jumping into my car I threw the keys into the ignition. Peeling out of my driveway at hyper-speed, almost hitting my mailbox on the way out. It was 9:35 and the air had a chill to it. I was rushing down the Baldwin road. I was nearly 15 over the speed limited when I looked at the speedometer. I let off the accelerator just in time to avoid the police officer, who was hunting for speeders like me. I was certain it would only take me twenty minutes to make it to class at the rate I was going. I was in high spirts, because every light seemed to be green. Traffic was also very light, which helped. I pulled up to the school and I found the perfect parking spot. I jumped …show more content…

I was going to be more than an hour late to class at this rate. I opened the garage door. I ran inside of my house. When I reached the kitchen panic set in. I could not see my backpack anywhere. In a blind panic I run downstairs tripping on the last step. Picking myself up, I ran around my basement trying to find it. I could not find any way in the basement. So I ran to my bedroom back up the stairs. This time taking care steps up the stairs. My room was a mess of laundry. I tore my bedroom apart only too fine that it was not there either. I was about to give up, just then I looked in the kitchen again, there my backpack was right where I left it. I nearly fell over I could not believe myself I place it on the table not the

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