Personal Narrative: A Marathon Runner's Life

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Do you ever wonder if you are being watched when you are alone. This is the story of Toby Mathews a 26 year old marathon runner that had his life planned out but one simple mistake costed him his life or was it an imagination that caused him his life. “Hey mom, yes I am getting ready for the marathon. I don’t think we will have it today because it looks like it is going to storm really bad. Ok mom bye love you too.” “Maybe for my warm up I will run through the marsh and onto the marathon?” I get on my running gear and I head out. While I am running I can’t help but think if we do run how crappy of a run it is going to be. When I get to the marsh I stop to time myself. I started the time and ran like an old grandpa because there was sticks …show more content…

His old white buick wasn’t there and his curtains that were originally wide open are closed now. “Maybe he is out at work or something.” I walked away from his house toward the marsh. It is like 8 o’clock when I get to the marsh. I remembered that it is a rugged terrain to run. I started my time, but something caught my eye I saw the old white buick parked on the side of the road by the entrance to the marsh. “That is really weird, I never see that car over here at all.” I examined the car, I saw nothing that would point to a suspicious or creepy, so I didn’t mind it at all. I looked at my stopwatch “man five minutes and thirty-five seconds have passed” I just turned my stopwatch so I can keep an eye out just in case something bad happened. I convinced myself that everything was okay. I guessed I never realized how scary the marsh looks at night time, especially when there is a storm going on. So I keep marching on. Then I enter the prettiest part of the marsh, the field, but then that is when I hear …show more content…

I turn slowly my heart beating out of my chest, nothing was there. I heard it again, but in a different direction, but closer now. I make the decision to run, to run away from the noise as fast as I could, my legs feeling like they could go at any moment. I turn frantically hoping that whatever I heard was an animal, but it isn’t. I see this suspicious character holding something in his right hand. I looked at something else and looked at the person , but the character was even closer now. I could see the object now in his right hand, it is a knife. This fog and mist arose from the field and surrounded him so I took this chance to run away from him, but curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped and looked back. As the mist and fog cleared, he was gone. “What the hell”!? I turned frantically and started to sprint the other way. I sprinted the other way for a good mile not looking back, afraid he would be chasing me. I hid behind a tree to catch my breath, kneeling down. I see feet facing towards me. My heart is now beating faster than I can count. I look up to see who it is. It is the guy with the old white buick and pointed at me through the window. His face looks like someone took a torch to it and let his face engulf in flames, his eyes are blacker than night with no white in them what so ever, he also had the creepiest smile anyone could ever have. I try to run away like a fugitive chasing away

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