Personal Narrative: A Humorous Wedding

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There was a simple, ‘To my beautiful girl on her wedding day’, on the front of the envelope that her dad handed to her. Katie took the letter, knowing what it was, and went to a quiet bench to read it. All she ever wanted was to find true love and have the beautiful wedding that she’d always planned, but that’s not complete without her mother. “Dear Katie If you’re reading this, then I’m no longer with you and I’m very sorry for that, but I still want you to have that stunning wedding you have always dreamed of. I just want you to enjoy yourself and to not worry about a single thing. Ever since you found out that I had Leukaemia, you’ve been tired, sad and worrying way too much. You need to stop, just relax and enjoy your wedding day, this is the day that you have been waiting all your life for. I remember when we used to spend …show more content…

She brushed her fingers over the last line of the letter, “being able to be proud of you”. Her mother was everything she had ever wanted to be; beautiful, funny and kind. All Katie ever wanted was to be that person. Her mother was her role model and even though they only shared a few things in common, Katie adored her mum. Ever since she had passed, Katie wasn’t the same, she felt that a little bit of her passed away too. The only thing that brought joy into her world was Charlie, her true soul mate. Charlie and her were teenage lovers and share the same interests and hobbies. They were destined to be together, but she can’t help but feel sad that her own mother won’t ever see her dream wedding. Katie repeated that last line, she realized that even though her mother isn’t there she will always be in her heart and continue watching over her. Katie stood up and wiped her tears because for the first time in two years she felt free to finally let go and start the next step in her

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