Personal Identity: A Short Story

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Waking up on a Monday, just like any other day, I got up from my warm bed and got ready for a hot shower, everything appeared extremely quiet but I didn't really worry about it since it was very early in the morning. I finished the shower, put on black pants and a blue shirt, and got ready for my classes and still no indication of any noise or movement, I got outside in the hallway and walked all the way to the stairs and oddly enough I didn't run into anybody as I usually do. As I'm rushing through the streets to my class I didn't see any cars or students around me, all the stores are closed, yellow and red leaves are flying everywhere, as the sharp winds ran through my nose, I was trying to figure out what was happening. At this moment I'm freaking out, I have no idea what to do, I run as fast as I can to my class, realizing that I'm the only soul alive. After tireless days of trying to locate anyone or anything that moves, I realized how lonely this Earth is. I was imagining what is going to happen to this society and …show more content…

It is something that will keep the memory alive, of my dad teaching me how to swim when I was three years old, and the days when my brother and I would win most of the gold medals during meets. Also, considering the fact that swimming is rated as the best sport because it's one of the few spots where you actually use your entire body equally. Another reason why I picked swimming is because you can practice on your own, in this case, if you were the only person alive then you wouldn't have any trouble practicing, unlike football or basketball you need at least one more person to play with or else it is not going to be fun. Also, Michael Phelps, my favorite athlete is a phenomenal swimmer with many records that inspires me to swim and do the best I

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