Personal Family Experience: My Mom is Such as an Angel

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Mom is such as an angel who always gives me countless love and never required for any reward. As her daughter, the only thing I can do for her is to be filial, so that her love wouldn't be vain. Someone had asked me if I am a filial child. I am trying to be, but obviously I wasn't. When I was a little kid, I didn't even know what being filial is. Until the happening of a conversation with my mom let me realized to cherish her and be filial, which also changed who I am, since I had started being aware that mom would get older and older, and I would have less and less time to stay with her. Mom is always with me whenever I need her so that I rely on her a lot. I usually thought that she would be with me forever, so that I had neither thought about being filial to her and letting her be happy, nor cherished the time with her. Until my fifth birthday, mommy told me that she is getting old by the change of time, which means the amount of time with her is decreasing.
I had been awfully headstrong to my mom before the age of five, although I loved her a lot. Once upon a time, she asked...

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