Personal Experience: Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination

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First and foremost before I get into my stories of my personal experience I feel I should first offer a few definitions of the term known as discrimination. The word discrimination means, “The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex” or “the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.” No matter what color or “race” you are a part of we all experience discrimination on an everyday basis. There are various situations in which this type of activity can and will occur. You could be subjected to discrimination in various aspects of your career, while dining at your favorite restaurant, or even somewhere as simple as a gas station. …show more content…

During a summer break in the early 1990’s I was in Virginia visiting my great aunt when I met a young man named Billy, after that day Billy and I played together nearly every day up until his older brother Roger and a few of his friends decided that we should not be friend and took thing to a whole new level. While playing a Billy and Roger’s home Roger ask me and my cousin Herman if we wanted to check out his new game system in the basement of the home. As two young kids from the city looking to make friends we agreed. Upon reaching the basement floor I notice that my cousin had not made the trip to the basement, shortly after this a sheet went over my head and the lights went out. I could hear Roger and his friends laughing as they kicked me repeatedly, once I was able to get back to my feet I fought my way back upstairs where my cousin who had experienced the same treatment had somehow got the upper hand on two of the friends holding them at bay with a broom handle. After we escape the house I could still hear Roger screaming, “You n*****s better run!” I know it was not the right thing to do, but my cousin and I returned home, grabbed a few bats and my older cousin Curtis returned to the house and beat Roger and his friends until they could not stand. An action I still regret committing to this very day, because at the moment we were no better than …show more content…

This time it was when I actually became a resident of the state of Virginia going out for a starting position on our high school football team. Although Billy never took part in the beating that Roger and his friends gave us he and I parted way after me and my family decided to seek revenge. Billy and I had the desire to become the starter in the position opening after Free Safety on the team once the seniors over us graduated. For me I saw it as my chance to shine and make my way to college on a sports scholarship. Billy, however saw it as his spot at revenge and a chance to regain his families honor. Although I was better than Billy in every aspect of the position I still was awarded the back seat to him being as though one of his Uncle’s and one Roger’s friends were members of the coaching staff. At first I was filled with anger I my first thought was to fight my way into the starting position, but I regained my composure, and when Billy was sidelined with an injury the very first game I shined brighter than ever and went to college on my grade point average alone, I didn’t even need the football

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