Personal Essay: Video Analysis

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Beginning at a young age, I had a deep liking for watching movies of different genres. My liking eventually turned into a passion, stemming from my desire to learn how the films I was watching were developed, put together, and essentially created piece by piece, shot by shot; I remember wanting to be a part of them. As the years passed, I discovered an application called Youtube, a place where I could explore my passion. The number of videos I watched increased daily, each one's composition amazing me even more than the last. During this time a popular trend on Youtube was “stop motion videos”. This is when you create a video to a song, using only pictures, and put them together to make it seem as if it is moving. Wanting to finally explore my desire to learn …show more content…

I then pulled up the editing software that came with my PC computer and sat for hours exploring and teaching myself how to edit videos and pictures. The end result was my first ever video produced by myself. As time passed, I realized that this passion of mine was not simply a hobby to amuse myself with when I had time, but rather a path I could see myself taking that could potentially result in a future career. I found myself searching for moments throughout the day to edit, create, and post videos when possible. Although I enjoyed the creating aspect of films and constructing them, I had very little knowledge in the film industry itself. Therefore, during my junior year I did some researching and found a summer program that was offered at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. I

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