Personal Development Plan

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Personal development is the process of maintaining one’s well being in terms of physical, social and psychological aspects. It is the constant process of developing and enhancing personality through learning and socialization processes. Undoubtedly, for personal development, certain skills and knowledge are required to be achieved. Armstrong (2006) rightly says that the personal development plan incorporates a wider set of learning and development activities such as self-managed learning, coaching and mentoring. In fact, it can be assumed that the skills and knowledge are not inborn or ascribed but are achieved in a course of time.



The time management is one of the most important skills required for today’s managers and other staffs. The time management is that skill which leads one to be punctual at works and other daily tasks and activities in order to achieve the objectives within the given timeframe. BNET (2010) defines time management as conscious control of the amount of time spent on work activities, in order to maximize personal efficiency. For time management and the attainment of the goals set either by an individual or organization, some specific skills should be developed.

TASK 1.1


There is a say that time and tide waits for no one, one should value time and be punctual at works and every activities of life. For this purpose, one should have capability to prioritize the works as per their importance and urgency through ‘to do list’. BNET (2010) also makes the same points stating that ‘Time management involves analyzing how time is spent, and then prioritizing different work tasks.’ Like...

... middle of paper ... to distinguish personal and professional skills from each other. So, they can be assumed as complementary to each other. Whatever else, the personal skills are related to one’s physical and psychological aspects. Some genetic traits can also be put as personal skills and competencies, however, personal skills are more related to nurtured or socially learned behaviour and knowledge than those of natured. Notably, confidence, politeness, convincing and persuasive, hardworking, cooperative, interpersonal skills, motivational and hearing staff grievances, technical skills, time management, quick decision-making, staff mobilization , planning and programming and setting logical vision and goals are significant personal and professional objectives. These skills are of great importance in making both individual and organizational necessities and objectives fulfilled.

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