Personal Aesthetic: My Bedroom

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Irene Streeper Art 111 Ms. Keever March 22, 2016
Personal Aesthetic An item I chose would have to be something in my own room, the largest of which would be my bed frame. The frame itself is large, painted white and old fashioned twisted metal. Chosen by myself a while ago, it wraps around the entire full sized bed. Thus making the white, yellow and blue flower comforter look especially plush, encased by the metal frame. This makes for a very nice center point in my bedroom-truly a room for a bed. In my closet I have many different shades that I wear, but they mainly consist of both bright and dark blues, faded blacks and a certain colour that’s a soft orange. All are things that can look nice if worn …show more content…

As well as some earthy greens and browns. White is splattered amongst the closet, but I personally find white easy to ruin and for my high adventure lifestyle, stains just will not do. As for my living space (this goes for both rooms that I currently claim) the decor is somewhat unique I admit. Both of my parents are fairly lax when it comes to such trivial things as colours and such so I’ve gone a tad hog wild with it all. The computer room, where work is completed and keyboards played, is painted with a deep red and gold stenciling scattered about. The shade of red isn’t a bright blood red, more of a pleasant deep maroon and the gold stencil is of a glorified fleur de lis. Such as that you might see in the victorian era. The bedroom which I currently reside is painted a simple navy or midnight blue. All of my own choices to change the environment around me are always surrounded by a sort of element of comfort. I felt my comforter before I noticed the colour, and chose many of my other personal belongings in such a way. Even the colours, in an odd way. They aren’t harsh and seem to welcome …show more content…

So rough, spiky, sharp surfaces won’t do in any of my quarters. The same goes for colours, if it’s too harsh on the eyes or too loud, something that could make you wince, I would not care for it in my room. Smooth metal and the such is acceptable, as long as it’s not out of place and actually smooth, not catching you on the skin if you were to run your hand over the surface. As for fabric (other than rough surfaces like burlap) I only dislike types of velvet or similar. This is due to the fact that my brother, mostly when he was younger, would never touch the stuff and avidly avoid it. To the point where he would scream in agony anytime he would accidently touched anything velvet or similar. My brother is not one to mock a scream. I have no idea why, though I believe something was mentioned about mentality but I was too young to properly recall. He mentioned once about feeling each individual hair on the fabric like a needle. Now he doesn’t yelp when he touches velvet, but I can still see him wince each time it happens. So that’s why I always avoid anything made of velveteen fabric or velvet. (Though I would rather die than tell him.) My personal aesthetic is a lot more complicated now that I’ve laid out my preferences and dislikes and I cannot easliy nor quickly define it. I orginaly thought it was going to be a simplistic view; I painted my room blue because I like

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