Perseverance In The Poem 'Oh The Places You' Ll Go

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Each and every individual is currently riding the frightening roller coaster of life, experiencing the ups and the downs, the smooth tracks, and the loops. One may love the roller coaster, or one may struggle with the challenges the roller coaster is staggering upon their life. These challenges are the pillars to building ones’ persistence, preparing one for ultimate success. Perseverance is the foundation to developing an individual’s courage, creating ones’ growth mindset, thus allowing one to overcome his or her weakness. Throughout the poem, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go,” the poet, Dr. Seuss explains the significance of persevering in order to cultivate one’s inner talents, and attain the determination and skill to pursue one’s ambition. When the weakness lay within an individual, the only way to overcome it is to surpass one's capabilities, defeating every inch of ones’ vulnerabilities with ones’ weapon of knowledge and perseverance. …show more content…

Throughout the first four stanzas of the poem, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go,” Dr. Seuss explores the idea of developing courage, even when one fails to meet his or her vision. “Wherever you fly, you’ll be the best of the best. Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Except when you don’t… you can get all hung-up…left in a Lurch,” (7-16). Dr. Seuss is discussing the relationship between the visions an individual acquires and the struggle one experiences to maintain faith in achieving his or her ambition. As illustrated through the verses, obstacles may cause individuals to become unaware of their capabilities in aspiring to follow their desires; on the contrary, the only way to succeed in accomplishing ones’ desires is to develop the courage and willingness, so one can persevere. In addition to my life, I have experienced many struggles with accomplishing my dreams; leaving

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