Persepolis Should Be Banned Essay

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The American Library Association indicates that books are banned "with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information" (Brunner). One of these such books, Marjane Satrapi’s memoir, Persepolis, a slandered read in many schools, should be prohibited to middle schoolers. In March, 2013, Persepolis was removed from the middle classrooms of Chicago Public Schools; District CEO, Barbara Byrd-Bennett, asserted that the ban was due to “graphic language and images that are not appropriate for general use” (“Recent Ban”). Other schools should follow their lead; Persepolis should be banned in all middle school classrooms because it promotes violence, sexism, and disobedience to innocent children. To …show more content…

Marji stole “a cigarette from her uncle,” “[kissing] childhood goodbye”(Satrapi 117). Marjane misbehaves both through stealing and smoking, promoting defiance. Similarly, other books such as Harry Potter have been highly criticized for “setting bad examples,” as Harry acts out against his teachers. (Brunner). Role models such as Marjane and Harry, the main character in Harry Potter, negatively impact the way children act and behave-cite. Also, Marji wants to “attack Ramin” with brass knuckles,” displaying the violence and most importantly the disobedience that Marji represents (Satrapi 45). Marji, disrespecting her parents, sets a violent example, attempting to beat up Ramin for something his father did. Furthermore, Marji “[tells] off the religion teacher,” defying a authoritative figure for both the middle schoolers and for Marji (Satrapi 145). According to the Chicago Teacher Union's financial secretary, Kristine Mayle, Persepolis is “about questioning authority” and throughout the book, Marji disrespects her father, her mother, and her teacher, setting a bad example for the middle school children

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