Persecution Of Women

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Under Pressure No I do not mean to reference a Queen song, but this title says it all. There has been a sect of the populace that has been brought own time and time again. Throughout time and history this sect has been looked down by all of the other sects. This sect is the race of womankind. At times women have been actively sought out to displace. At other times women have been passively attacked. Women have been viewed as being below men since the dawn of time. In today's world it is slightly better for women, but the “glass ceiling” is still overhead and as present as ever. Women struggle to make a name for themselves in the police force, fire department, medical fields, law fields, and military, to name a few. Even though women can vote, the road for true freedom is one that takes us on a longer road. …show more content…

Originally chosen as the “children of God”, by God. Originally a theocracy, these bedouins overcame much to live in small stretch of land that is just slightly bigger than the state of New Jersey. This small nation of people were constantly persecuted throughout history. In the beginning of their history thy were persecuted by the Egyptians, where they were kept as slaves for roughly four hundred years until they were led to freedom by Moses. For the next millennium or so, the jews were captured and freed in a repetitive cycle that became overbearing. Whether it was Rome, the Philistines, Babylon, Persia, or the Greeks, the children of Israel always seemed to make it through the torture unharmed by some greater

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