Periodized Training

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Periodization is the methodical planning of a training regimen with the intent of reaching the best possible performance at the most optimal time. It is to both maximize sports performance during competition and reduce over-training while allowing for continued biological adaptation to different intensities and modes of training. The practical applications of periodization are related to the laws of training in the following manner: Law of Individual Differences – Every client has their own unique genetic makeup and not everyone can train in the same manner to achieve results. Each client will benefit differently from training as well as develop varying physical and psychological changes during and after training. Laws of Overcompensation …show more content…

Athletes should be trained in ways that will elicit functional performance specific to their sport. GAS Principle and Law of Use/Disuse – A proper frequency of training between bouts of exercise must be followed to develop physically. The body will adapt to training and begin to recover quickly, and as such the training plan must be periodized to compensate for this. A periodized program is typically made of up macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles. A macrocycle is a full training cycle – think of this as in-season training. A mesocycle is a period within a macrocycle focusing on a specific type of adaptation or training goal. A microcycle is a period within a mesocycle, typically a week, focused around an acute program variable. The variables that are generally modified to influence a periodized program are as …show more content…

There are many adaptations required to be a college-level athlete, and training all of these components at once will disallow for specificity as stated by the SAID principle. A periodized program focuses on improving and maintaining adaptations and having them peak during in-season would allow for increased performance during competition. 35 Year-Old Sedentary Adult: Periodization is typically considered a tool for athletic performance – but such is not the case. Periodization is the systematic planning of a workout to achieve goals. The 35 Year-Old sedentary Adult has fitness goals as well. Increased “tone” is standard parlance for improved body composition. To avoid over-training and maximize results in an efficient manner, a periodized program including appropriate foundational training, frequency, intensities, volumes, and workout durations would allow for maximized adaptations to the goal of becoming “toned” while avoiding over-use injury and putting undue stress on the client when they may not yet have adapted to recover from

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