Performance Goals for a Child with Learning Disabilities

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Carlos is 12 years old Hispanic American in grade 7th. He is fine-looking, polite, admired, and hardworking. His Math is good and he has good skills in auditory processing. Unfortunately, local committee and special education has classified him as Learning Disabled. Learning Disability encompasses numerous types of learning problems. Following are 3 main Learning Disabilities he carries.



Precision or awareness


Most ordinary characteristics of student with Learning Disability is Reading. Carlos has reading obscurity, most of the time he lose his place when reading. He understands better what is read to him. He is also unable to identify the theme when reading.


Improve Carlos's reading skills, ability to understand the theme, impetus, interpretation and knowledge.

a. Dyslexia analysis will be accomplished every month. As he has said, if some things is read to him will be more understandable; Therefore, a special education teacher will interpret a particular text as many time as her require.

b. Six principles for early reading instruction by Bonnie Grossen will be strongly enforced. It includes Phonemic awareness, each letter-Phonemic relationship explicitly, high regular letter-sound relationship systematically, showing exactly how to sound out words, connected decodable text to practice the letter phonemic relationships and using interesting stories to develop language comprehension. Double deficit hypothesis which focuses on phonological awareness and rapid naming speed.

c. Informal reading inventories will be efficient for direct observing and recording aspects of students reading skills....

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... evaluation is not considered in this plan.

If this plan does not achieve improvement in Carlos Learning disability then re-assessment will be prepared. He will continue in a separate classroom and teacher will be focused on Carlos precision potential only.

If this plan achieves improvement then Carlos will be transferred into a regular classroom with special instructions to a teacher.

It is merely difficult to predict what out come would be with this plan. Most likely Carlos would be able to improve his reading, writing, precision and awareness. Direct and daily measurement will be acquired to scrutinize the progress of Carlos. Standardize intelligence and achievement test will be supportive to measure Carlos's development. Precision Teaching procedure will enhance the instructional decisions based on changes in the frequency of Carlos's performance.

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