Perfect People Are Boring Analysis

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Perfect People are boring. Every human being knows their skills and defect, but I consider that a perfect person is not good for society. Well, I believe that perfectionism does not exist and if someone feel as an ideal person is because they think they are better than the rest of the people. Also, talking with someone that has this type of life is awful because they do not have anything to say and their life is always humdrum. Thus, I will explain why I think perfect people are boring . First, perfect people are not considered interesting. These type of person do not have a purpose in their life or a dream to achieve because they think that what they are doing is the right thing and they do not care about other opinions. For example, a guy went to a job interview and he thinks he will do well, but the truth is that the boss did not like the way he was expressing and saying that he know how to do everything. The truth is that at the end, he did not get the job because the boss did not like when he said I have never made a mistake in my life. Once a while, everyone has done something wrong that in the future we will regret. …show more content…

Being so perfect make their life more boring because these people will go to the same place and eat the same every day. For instance, one couple is going to a restaurant and they think they are the perfect couple and they are not boring at all. Well, the truth is that they are boring because they talk the same things every day and these two people think that what they are doing is good. They do not feel like an annoying couple. The only way they can change if someone tells them what is going on and maybe they can change. Also, I think, everyone should know each other experience new ideas in life, and listen to other

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