Pediatric Neurologist Essay

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A pediatric neurologist seeks to provide quality care to children with various neurological disorders. They are in a position which requires continued education and research in the development of the nervous system and its diseases. They work with the child and their family to educate, provided care, and provide support pertaining to the disorder. The practice tends to be specialized and geared toward a certain array of disorders, including epilepsy, developmental disorders, neuromuscular disorders, brain tumors, etc. A pediatric neurologist can also manage care for children with neurobehavioral issues such as ADHD and Tourette syndrome. Many scholarly pediatric neurologists make way for careers in laboratory or clinical research, creating a home for those with MD/PhD degrees. Opportunities for research in child based neurology continue to grow as neurogenetics moves away from a focus on single gene conditions to studying more complex traits. Becoming a pediatric neurologist requires an extensive amount of education and a set of certifications. …show more content…

While innovative therapies are constantly being developed, it has become crucial for pediatric neurologists to evolve with the latest technological advances and research. Some technology currently being utilized by pediatric neurologists consists of electroencephalogram (EEG’s) which detect electrical action in the brain, MRI scans, CAT scans, neuroimaging studies, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and three dimensional reconstructions. MRS requires existing MRI technology and some software adjustments and allows for the evaluation of the brain’s biochemistry. In the case of pediatric neurology, the MRS studies assist the prediction of outcomes for various acquired brain injuries. Future use of the MRS includes determining the short-term effect of central nervous system targeted

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