Patricia Benner

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In this study Patricia Benner established the difference between practice (practical knowledge) and theoretical knowledge (theoretical knowledge). Benner said that nursing should develop the knowledge of practice, with a solid educational base and without forgetting the importance of research and scientific observation to develop practical skills.
Benner applied the Benner Model to the infirmary. I identify that skill-based acquisition of skills was safer and faster when there was previously a solid educational foundation. Benner's skill and practice are to put into practice nurse interventions and clinical decision-making skills in real situations.
Benner in each explanation of nursing practice goes beyond theory and rigid norms are based …show more content…

Beginner: This is the category in which nursing students or any nurse that starts working in a new health care area that unknown They access as beginners having no prior experience what they are going to face. They need guidelines to be able to face actions that have never lived before, but at the same time, they do not tell them what the ideal initiatives are in real situations.
2. Advanced Beginner: Those are the new grads in their first jobs; nurses have had more experiences that enable them to recognize recurrent, meaningful components of a situation. They have the knowledge and the know-how but not enough in-depth experience.
3. Competent: These nurses lack the speed and flexibility of proficient nurses, but they have some mastery and can rely on advance planning and organizational skills. Competent nurses recognize patterns and nature of clinical situations more quickly and accurately than advanced beginners.
4. Proficient: At this level, nurses are capable to see situations as "wholes" rather than parts. Proficient nurses learn from experience what events typically occur and are able to modify plans in response to different …show more content…

This relationship consists in that the perception of nursing is acquired throughout the different categories, the first category of beginner, we can say that the student starts nursing studies with practically no perception of nursing and throughout the career He begins to develop his own perception thanks to the education and contact with the profession he is having. This initial perception will acquire over time at the same time as the beginner becomes an advanced beginner, then competent, and so on until arriving at expert, where it is considered that the person has built a strong perception of nursing due to time and experiences you have lived.
General objective
This study aims to describe the perception of the first and fourth year nursing students about the image of the nursing profession at the Ana G Mendez University.
Specific objectives
1- To know the perception about the nursing profession in students of the first year of a baccalaureate in nursing sciences at the University of Turabo in the course

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