Parties And Balls During The Civil War

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Parties and Balls during the Civil War Everyone knows that during the Civil War, there were a lot of violence and deaths. Around 62,000 soldiers died in the Civil War and despite all the violence, deaths, starvation and disease, there was one of the few things that people enjoyed very much. You might ask, what could people enjoy in the middle of a cruel war? Your answer is parties and balls. The most interesting things of parties and balls during the Civil War is Dancing, The different types of balls, Camp Dancing, Ballroom clothing and ballroom etiquette. Dancing In the Civil War, whether they were young, old, poor or wealthy, they enjoyed dancing. At these balls, women/men danced with their partner(s) and there were groups of dancing and they danced in lines or circles. It was considered “unpleasant” to dance with the same partner the whole dance. You were supposed to dance with multiple people to make other people's experience fantastic so that people would come back and enjoy their time. Different types of Balls …show more content…

At public balls, anybody could come but you had to pay the price of the ticket to get in. Also, these public balls were used to raise money for supplies for the civil war. In private balls, you didn't have to pay a price to get in because you got invited and you can't just walk in like you can with a public ball. The last type is a master-servant ball. The master and his servants would have a ball with just them and all different types and kinds of people of different social classes came together to enjoy and have fun at a ball. One important rule at a master-servant ball was that ladies could not ask men to dance, only men could ask ladies to

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