Part Of Speech Essay

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The meaning of the part of speech refers to the class of words stand on the word’s function, and the way of work of these words in a sentence. Depending upon their function words can be divided into certain parts which are often called part of speech. These part of speech given below: 1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. Verb 4. Adverb 5. Adjective 6. Conjunction 7. Preposition 8. Interjection Noun: The noun is the simplest part of speech among the eight part of speech. The word noun refers to the type of words that are used for the name of animal, persons, places, things and ideas. Examples of Noun: Some example of noun are pen, mango, apple, dog and Karachi. There are different types of nouns which are given below: 1. Proper Noun: These nouns meaning refer …show more content…

Examples of Adverb: Carefully, extremely and very. There are different types of adverb which are given below: 1. Adverb of Manner: The adverb of manner shows that how is something happen and how an action is completed / done. Examples: she is talking slowly. 2. Adverb of Time: The adverb of time shows that when something happens and when something is completed / done. Examples: I came yesterday. 3. Adverb of Place: The adverb of place shows that where something happens and where something is completed / done. Examples: Of course, ALLAH is everywhere. Adjective: The adjective is the part of speech which is used for describing noun and pronoun. Adjective used for showing quality, size and number of nouns and pronouns. In English normally adjective placed before noun. Examples of Adjective: Some examples of adjectives are good, bad, smart and silly. Conjunction: The conjunction is the part of speech which is used for joining two words, clauses, phrases and sentences together. Examples of Conjunction: Some examples of conjunction are and, yet, but and for. There are two types of conjunction which are given

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