Parental Consent Essay

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Minor’s: Parent Consent and Assent There has been many concerns on when can a child make their own assent to their own treatment, and what kind of problems/situations could they give their assent on. Research shows that children are not able to make complex decisions for themselves on their treatment process, so instead of the children signing off on the treatment, the parent and physician makes a consent. The word consent is permission for something to happen from a parent or guardian of the minor, who is legal to give consent. The word assent is the approval or agreement from the patient that is a minor. Although parents play an important role in the treatment process for the patient, children under eighteen has little say so in the process. According to Douglas S. Diekema, M.D., M.P.H., …show more content…

The Commission uses the term parental or guardian "permission," rather than "consent," in order to distinguish what a person may do autonomously (consent) from what one may do on behalf of another(Paragraph 1). This is saying that Parental consent only grants permission for the treatment for the minor, and what is best for the minor in the treatment process. The Parent’s consent is needed in the process of the minor's treatment. Referring to Kuther, Tara L. "Medical decision-making and minors: issues of consent and assent." Adolescence 38.150 (2003), she says that Although adults receive considerable encouragement to become active participants in healthcare decisions, children and adolescents often have little voice in decisions about their medical treatment (Kunin, 1997; Lidz et al., 1984). As minors, adolescents often are unable legally to provide informed consent and are granted limited access to

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