Paraphilia Research Paper

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Paraphilia is a condition that’s characterized by intense and persistent sexual interest other than genital stimulation or fondling with normal, physically mature, consenting human partners. Paraphilic disorder is when paraphilia causes distress or impairment to an individual or if it’s pleasure entails personal harm or the risk of harm to others. There are signs and symptoms to look for in individuals who may have paraphilic disorder. It may be difficult to gain information from paraphilics due to their guilt and reluctance to share this information in an open manner.
There are various types of paraphilia; therefore, a complete history, mental status, physical, and neurological examinations must be completed in order to help with the evaluation …show more content…

When forming a treatment plan, it’s important to consider the level of distress, severity and impairment for each individual case. Treatment options can include family therapy, marital therapy, psychotherapy, pharmacologic therapy, and surgical interventions. Psychotherapeutic interventions include:

cognitive-behavioral therapy, orgasmic reconditioning, social skills training, twelve- step programs, group therapy, and individual expressive-supportive psychotherapy. Pharmacologic therapy often consists of medications to suppress sexual behavior. Medications used include: antidepressants, long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormones, antiandrogens, phenothiazine, and mood stabilizers. Although not widely used, surgical interventions include: psychosurgery using stereotaxic tractotomy and limbic leucotomy, and bilateral orchidectomy
(surgical castrations).
Often times inpatient treatment is necessary for patients who are suicidal, homicidal, or if they are unable to care for themselves. Suicide risk becomes high if a paraphilic is exposed or confronted. These individuals may also be incarcerated if they are charged with a crime.
Another important factor is taking into consideration the particular type

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