Pandemonium Monologue

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I walked down the hall of Raymond Academy. I walked down until Faith grabbed me by the arm. I spun around and she dragged me into the nearest room. "What is going on?" I asked when she closed the door. "So? Are you going to tell me where this came from." She asked holding an envelope up. " Niro, what is that?" My voice sounded tired and confused. I gave her another quick look of confusion. before she started to open the envelope. I tried to read the back since I had no idea what it was since I had just grabbed the mail this morning and threw it in my bag which I had planned to read later. I watched as she pulled the letter out of the envelope. She cleared her throat and started to read. "Hey! Since I knew I wouldn't get a chance to do this in person since I'm in the center of pandemonium (a.k.a studying for Finals) I was hoping you would come to my graduation in 2 weeks. I know it's short notice, but I just wanted to see you there since I didn't get to graduate alongside my beautiful girlfriend this year. I know that you hate it, but that's who you are. My beautiful, loving, kind, compassionate, strong, brave, and courageous girlfriend. " She peeked up at me, shocked for a second, and then continued to read. …show more content…

I knew he was really bad at keeping these things to himself but that is beside the point. The real point is that I really hope that you join me on such an important day. I know this probably made you blush and that Brandon's about to kill me if you're reading this near him. I just know it means more to me than it should for you to be there. I know it isn’t your favorite place; nevertheless I'll save you a seat." She finished, pulling the letter down revealing my extremely red

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