Paid Attention Essay

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The time is now to stand up for what is right and pay attention to what is happening around you. To pay attention is one of the greatest things you can do because later on in life you can think back to the time when a teacher told you something about multiplying decimals that you didn't think you would need in later life but it turns out you did.

Heather heyer was someone who payed attention in fact her last post on twitter was if you're not outraged you're not paying attention . If you think about it that is so true with all of the stuff that is happening around the world and even right here in New Zealand if you don't know what i'm talking about then you aren't paying attention see what I mean if you pay attention you learn stuff.

2017 …show more content…

Right now is one of the most important time of our lives. Right now we are deciding who we want to be in these couple of years though they might not be the easiest having to go to school everyday but think about the people around the world who aren't allowed to even go to school you might think that is living the high life but you would know nothing to help you out. In pakistan a young girl called malala no older then we are now protested for girls to go to school and the taliban who did not like what she was doing decided to put a stop to it one day . when malala was on her way to go to school she got shot in the head and she ended up being transported to the united kingdom to recover but she didn't let being shot in the head stop her after she recovered she kept protesting for the rights for girls to go to school the only difference was that this time she had the most of the world behind her and in the end after all the hard work she won and is the youngest person to get a nobel peace prize. Now that is true perseverance. There are many more examples like Malala but too put them all into this speech it would go on for around 2

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