PTSD Research Paper

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PTSD Research Project Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also commonly known as PTSD is by definition a mental disorder occurring after traumatic event outside the range of usual human experience. (“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”) PTSD develops depending on how long or intense the event was. Symptoms of PTSD start soon after the event, but may not appear until months or even years later. Common symptoms are reliving the event, avoiding the situations that remind you it, hyper arousal, and constantly thinking you are in danger. (“PTSD: National Center…”) Some other symptoms that do follow PTSD are feeling hopeless, depression, anxiety, drinking or drugs, and relationship problems. The only treatments that help with PTSD are psychotherapy (counseling) and taking medications. (“PTSD: National Center…”) Soldiers who have been in wars have all experienced traumatic events whether they have witnessed something themselves or have had a terrible event happen to them. Some soldiers are affected more than others are and it can really take a toll on them. This is when PTSD can start to settle ...

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