PTSD In The Odyssey

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For my research project I did three different pieces; a How-To-Guide, a Short Story, and a Commentary. All three of my pieces directly related to PTSD and indirectly related to The Odyssey. I mostly found everything I expected too because the way I went about choosing my topic was based on what I had already seen in The Odyssey. I was surprised that I found other articles relating the two, but otherwise I found what I expected to find. There where several parts of The Odyssey that lead me to choosing my topic, but there were two specific pieces that were the most influential. The first was in Book 9 when Odysseus seemed to have completely lost control, “Again I began to taunt the Cyclops-- men around me trying to check me, calm me,” (Homer, 226-227). This was really the first major pert that showed me something had changed about Odysseus due to the war. Many PTSD victims can get caught up in the moment of things not even remotely related to their trauma yet they still lose control and do things they wouldn’t have done originally. The next part that showed me PTSD in The Odyssey and lead me to choosing my topic was when Odysseus and his son reunite at last after 20 years and Odysseus did something he didn’t tend to do before he …show more content…

So, I decided I would do something in relation to that war, that part wasn’t to hard, the truly hard part was figuring out what aspect of the Holocaust and The Odyssey I would use. Finally after much thought and much pre-research I decided I was going to do PTSD, but more specifically its long term effects on your personality and how it affects your family. That is really what I was getting at when writing my short story. My commentary was really not to show much PTSD but show what caused it; like how Odysseus’ long journey home caused his, and Eliezer's long time in the concentration camp caused

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