Overcoming School Anxiety

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“Anxiety is defined as a state of intense agitation,foreboding,tension and dread, occurring from a real or perceived threat of impending danger (4)” Said by Diane Peters Mayer. Many people not only feel it mentally but also physically. An example from the book “Overcoming School Anxiety “ (1) A kid named Mika who is fifth grader dealing with Anxiety she says she is bullied by a group of popular girls and one day their mean to her one day they are nice to her this is what triggered Miks anxiety. Anxiety affects everyone at all different ages some have it more than others and some people will get it every once in awhile. We all will feel Anxious at once and awhile. For some it's more than others. According to (2) in the article “For Kids, Anxiety About School Can feel Like Being Chased by a lion” , Anxiety feels no different than being chased by a lion or you have to go to school. Their is a boy named Jared he has anxiety about going to school. He says the worst part about anxiety is the choices he has to make.It starts first thing in the morning with what to eat for breakfast. …show more content…

Many people struggle with their self esteem but some more than others. According to Sahin”This study determined that students with low self esteem have significantly higher mathematic anxiety than those students with high self esteem. This is saying people with test anxiety most likely have low self esteem. Low self esteem can make a person not feel good about their self. When you're not feeling good about yourself you can let yourself down a lot. People who have low-self esteem Struggle with basic things in life.Children who have anxiety can end up bringing it to school. Anxiety can affect the children's ability to be able to learn. Mayers states “ missing out on important school work if frequent absences or school refusal occur, stunting intellectual development and creating a record of poor academic

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