Overcoming Obstacles Analysis

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Obstacles are present during all parts of life. Some are minor; Some present themselves with a larger force. No matter their size, successfully overcoming an obstacle will often give new strength and a different state of mind when approaching future obstacles. I found both of these after losing my father to a drug overdose. When I lost my father, I lost my role model for most of the formative years my of life. Without a role model, I could have very easily failed to follow their footsteps into a strong, well rounded individual. However, while lacking a male role model, I was very fortunate to still be in a strong home with my mother. Watching her persevere through those years after losing her husband helped shape me into who I am today. Losing my father at a young age taught me to not assume that I can push things off to tomorrow. My father was fairly young when he passed. His death instilled a sense of mortality into me very early in life. Because …show more content…

No matter their size, obstacles can be overcome. When my father died, both my mother and I lost a very important person in our lives. Through my own process and through watching her process of overcoming her loss, I was able to learn that strength can always be found within and around oneself. Whether if the strength is found from diving deep within, or if it is found from leaning on someone nearby, strength can be found to overcome any obstacle.
Losing my father was a major obstacle in my life. However, through overcoming this hardship, I was able to learn a great deal about myself and how to overcome other obstacles. Through observing my mother and how she dealt with her loss, as well as my own, I found strength and a different view on confronting obstacles. Additionally, it taught me to seize every moment I can. While losing a parent is a very difficult obstacle that I would wish on no one, in an unfortunate way, losing my father taught me many things about

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