Overcoming Obstacles: A Short Story

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Everyone faces an obstacle they have to overcome, no matter how small They still face it and learn from it. I never really thought of me winning any kind of tournament before, but it had happened. I played basketball my whole life- almost. Since I was probably five.This small story of small amounts of adversity I faced helped me keep playing. A tournament underdog story that was pretty lame, but seems good enough to write about. This was an obstacle that I had to face and keep from stopping me.

It was a sunny summer day I was playing on the court with a few of my friends let's call them Drake and Josh. Drake had told me about this basketball tournament at the nearby mosque. It was pretty simple 16 teams of 3 would compete in a tournament …show more content…

Josh must have known I was nervous because he came up to me, and he told me to stop thinking and play. I had followed Josh’s words, and just stopped thinking and played basketball. Not only was facing my fears a struggle, but it seemed that the opposing team was favored to win. People were cheering them on like crazy. Many even chanted for them during the game. The opposing team was three ninth graders. Unfortunately, one of them had suffered an ankle sprain in the middle of the game as he was going up for a rebound. He had awkwardly landed and his teammate stepped on his foot. In an evil way, I was a little happy because now we had bigger chance to win. Their replacement was not that good he was more of a soccer player. His lack of skill in basketball had helped cause many turnovers for the other team. We eventually pulled out and won the game as the underdogs the score was 15-8. Our team was gleaming with happiness because we had done what we thought was not possible. Although, we had won my pessimistic thoughts kept from regaining my confidence. I still thought we were going to lose in the second round, and I did not know what was going on with me. My thoughts were still an obstacle, but so were the teams and fans. I practiced every day until the second round, but I still was not confident in myself. When our team finally played in the second round we were greeted by boos from the fans. They had thought that we were the cause of the injury in the previous round. Our opponents had shown no sportsmanship, and trash talked us the whole time. The trash talking might have gotten to me because I did pretty bad that game and we had barely won 22-20. Even though we won I still thought I was a liability and I would keep us from winning the game. I thought that I should just leave the team. A lot of people did not think I was

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